Spectrum Monitoring

Detecting and identifying emitters in complex radio frequency environments

The radio frequency (RF) spectrum in modern environments is cluttered with a vast array of different signals – making it a challenge to detect, identify and locate any signals of interest.

In an increasingly connected world, RF signals are at the heart of everything from mobile phones, digital radios and TV broadcasts to GPS navigation systems and Internet of Things devices such as smart meters.

Spectrum monitoring is crucial to keep things running smoothly without interference – whether on the battlefield or tackling the problem of detecting unauthorised drones near airports.

Real-world challenges

Autonomously detect, identify and geolocate

The use of spectrum monitoring is rapidly becoming a key enabler for military success. The ability to detect and identify adversary transmissions provides commanders with a better understanding of the situation they face – helping them to make more informed decisions.

Being able to locate the source of emissions provides even more advantage as the information can be used to target effects more precisely – so the Plextek team developed a prototype system capable of autonomously detecting, identifying and geolocating a range of emission types using miniature software defined radio hardware.

The technology has been integrated into autonomous systems and demonstrated to function successfully in real time.

ML for highly cluttered environments

Changes to the RF pattern of life in an environment can be indicative of a threat emerging – especially when new transmission types appear. However, monitoring the spectrum in a highly cluttered environment, such as a city, is challenging due to the vast array of signals that exist and the wide range of frequencies that need to be covered.

In response, the Plextek team developed an advanced machine learning algorithm that could rapidly detect and parameterise signals in highly cluttered environments – even detecting and identifying signals which overlap in time and frequency. This provides the ability to accurately monitor emissions and identify anomalies which merit further investigation.

Targeted jamming

From smuggling contraband into prisons to causing a danger at airports, unauthorised drones are a growing problem – but detecting them can be a challenge. One way of detecting them is via their control signals – and knowledge of these signals can then be used to direct an appropriate jamming response.

The Plextek team developed of proof-of-concept device that could detect drone control transmissions and then target jamming effects against those specific transmissions. The benefit of such targeted jamming is that it reduces unintended interference to other radio systems in the area.

Key skills

Measuring Radio Frequency (RF) Geolocation
  • Radio Frequency (RF) geolocation

    Advanced RF geolocation techniques for detecting and locating objects, relying on years of experience in hardware development, antenna design and embedded signal processing.

  • Machine Learning (ML)

    Designing and embedding state-of-the-art ML algorithms within miniature processing hardware to parametrise and identify RF signals in a cluttered spectrum.

  • RF system design

    Expert design skills in low-noise analogue front ends capable of filtering out interferers, amplifying wanted signals and providing flexible coverage over many GHz of spectrum. Design of digitisation hardware to optimally digitise analogue signals for subsequent processing.

  • Embedded software

    Efficient real-time software implementation on miniature embedded processors.

  • Antennas and propagation

    Design of wideband efficient antennas in compact form.

  • Signal processing

    Advanced signal processing methods to filter, de-noise and parameterise signals.

Recent advances in software defined radio technology and ML algorithms, coupled with our expert understanding of RF, enable us to realise highly capable spectrum monitoring technology in very compact and cost-effective packages.

Dr Aled Catherall, Chief Technical Officer
Dr Aled Catherall

Chief Technical Officer

What sets us apart when it comes to spectrum monitoring?

Plextek’s expertise covers all aspects of spectrum monitoring, including:

  • Anomaly identification
  • Autonomous detection
  • Classification
  • Cluttered environments
  • Complex RF environments
  • Electronic surveillance (ES)
  • Electronic warfare (EW)
  • Emission analysis
  • Geolocation
  • Interference management
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Radio Frequency (RF)
  • Signal classification
  • Signal parameterisation
  • Software defined radio (SDR)
  • Threat detection
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